🗣️Towny Chat

Easily add a Chat Channel for members of your Town

Requires TownyAdvanced

/tc (Toggle Town Chat) /tc <message> (Sends a Message into the Town Chat) Permission: zelchat.command.townychat

The ChatChannel supports all the Render Features ([i] [inv] [ec] [emojis])

#                              #
#          Towny Chat          #
#     you can use both         #
#    legacy and minimessage    #
#                              #
# Requires https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/towny-advanced.72694/
# This Addon will create a ChatChannel for Townies
# Players will be able to toggle the chat with /tc
# or if they prefer directly send a message with /tc <message>
enabled: false # Requires a restart when toggled
chat-format: "&e👑 &r%townyadvanced_town% &f%player_name% &8➠ &2%message%"
hover-message: |
  <br>&#25c8fa&l▮&r &7ʟɪғᴇ &f%player_health_scale% &c❤
  &#25c8fa&l▮&r &7ʀᴀɴᴋ &f%townyadvanced_resident_primary_rank% &6🛡
  &#25c8fa&l▮&r &7ʙᴀʟᴀɴᴄᴇ &f%vault_eco_balance_formatted% &e$
  &#25c8fa&l▮&r &7ᴄᴏᴏʀᴅs &f%player_x%x %player_y%y %player_z%z ⁜

  needTown: "&#25c8fa&lTOWNY &r&8➠ &fYou must be in a Town to use the chat!"
  chatOn: "&#25c8fa&lTOWNY &r&8➠ &fYou will now chat with your Town!"
  chatOff: "&#25c8fa&lTOWNY &r&8➠ &fYou will no longer chat with your Town!"

Last updated